Now that the new year has started, things have slowed down, or have they? Not with 2 small kids!! Christmas this year was exciting. Z understood a little about Santa and became obsessed with him, we watched "The Santa Claus" movies all day every day. Although when it came to sitting on his lap he wanted nothing to do with it!! A wasn't quite sure about who he was but didn't have a problem with him until Z started crying then she was done with him too. Z got a Geo Trax train set and A got a play gym that plays music and has a lot of fun things to keep her busy. Even though it was Christmas it didn't quite feel like it, what without the snow and all. That is definitely something I miss about Utah. But as always it was a fun time.
New Years Eve we had a few friends and their families over for games and goodies. Talk about chaos with 12 adults and 8 kids in our little townhome. It was so much fun. Z made it past midnight but was fast asleep by 12:30. A finally fell asleep around 10:30 maybe next year she'll stay up until midnight!!
Life in the Relief Society is busy, busy. We just finished a big "Emergency Preparedness kickoff" last week so things have slowed a little, that is until the next thing comes around! Our goal this year is to be prepared in every aspect; Spiritual, Food storage, etc. It has been a lot of fun working with these ladies. They are wonderful and I have learned so much from them. Mike was released from Elders Quorum and now is the 11 year old Scout Leader. He starts officially on the 22nd. He is excited since the majority of the boys will be those he taught in Primary two years ago!!
Life is good. Never a dull moment!