Monday, September 29, 2008

Birthday Buzz

Z turned 3 Thursday (9/25)!! I can not believe how much he is growing up and how quickly. M was able to take the day off (he actually had Wednesday through Friday for Bereavement-will explain in another post).

We started the day out by making his cake. When asked what kind of cake he wanted he said "D-ball hike." (Translation: Football). He helped me mix it and get it ready to bake.

Z wanted a burger and fries, so we went to lunch @ Chili's. Gotta love the simple enjoyment of kids and their the mess that is made!

We really wanted to take Z miniature golfing but it was pretty windy and rainy...and they only have outdoor courses (at least within our proximity). So we went Bowling. It was a "HIT" and I forgot how much fun it could be. Z's first turn...he knocked down all but one pin!! He didn't have much patience when waiting for his turn. He couldn't understand why he couldn't go all of the time. A also had a blast. She took a few of my turns as well as Daddy's. The first time she rolled the ball she started to chase after it. Fortunately Mommy caught her before she got too far. I didn't realize they made bowling shoes so small!!

That evening we had Nana, Papa, J & Sissy for dinner, cake & ice cream and of course...presents. A couple of months ago Z watched Toy Story for the first time and became obsessed with Buzz Lightyear so we did a little around that...okay not really, only a couple of his presents had anything to do with Buzz, but none-the-less he loved it all. I think of anything he loves opening the presents and blowing out the candles after being sung to. When the last present was opened Z & A had a blast playing in the packaging peanuts...I think sometimes they have more fun with the wrapping paper, boxes and stuff like that.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Growin' up

I have always been told that time goes by so fast especially when it comes to your children growing up...Now I know what was meant!

As you know Z started "potty training" over 3 weeks ago and I can say that he is officially done. He knows exactly what to do and has only had 3 accidents. He was ready for quite some time but didn't want to hassle with it and I wasn't sure I wanted to fight him. But now that it is done, it is quite nice only having one in diapers. Z also started preschool last week. His first day was on the 3rd and he absolutely LOVED it. I wasn't quite sure how he would do since his first days in Nursery were a nightmare. However, he had no problems. He was so excited and kept asking me when he could go to school. When we got there he told me "Mommy you go and come back later." His teacher said this was the easiest class of 3 year olds she has had. He looks forward to it each time. A was the one who had a difficult time with him going. She wanted to stay with him and didn't want to leave him there. She kept looking at his car seat and pointing inside calling for him. She LOVES being with him and doing what he does so it will take some getting use to. It has been good to have the one-on-one time with her.

A started Nursery at the beginning of the month. Quite the opposite reaction to Z. We just switched to the afternoon schedule so we will see how she does since she won't be getting her nap.

Since we have more time in the morning on Sunday I decided to try out the sponge curlers. After bathtime I had to bribe A with Skittles so she would hold still long enough for me to get them in her hair. I wasn't sure if they would work since her hair is so fine but as you can tell... it did. She is no longer my baby she is becoming a little girl/young lady (with an attitude to go with it).
As I watch Z & A it amazes me how much they learn and understand each day. It is neat how much they remind me of my Nephew J (one of my sister's twins) and my niece K. Certain facial expressions and the way they act at times...Genetics is so fascinating.

Here are a few pictures from Labor Day. We went to Pullen park and had fun with family and friends. Nothing like some outdoor fun with a picnic and rides (Carousel, Paddle Boats & Train)!!