Then on Halloween night we camped out with friends. It was something unique and different than the usual trick-or-treat stuff...Z & A absolutely loved it. There were about 7-8 families so instead of going from house to house for candy the kids had to make their way around to each tent which had a game or some kind of activity for the kids to earn the candy. With a hayride and ghost stories around the was quite a fun and exciting night (not to mention FREEZING) but definitely worth it all. There is nothing like a hot breakfast after the chilly night and no food tastes as good as when it is cooked outside. While breakfast was going on, Z was standing around the fire and tripped, he fell backwards into the fire, which covered him from the top of his head just past his bum. I can not believe how quick M got to him and pulled him out without any hesitation. Z was extremely blessed at that moment. He had a slight burn on his hip but nothing more. I know without a doubt that he was watched over by our Heavenly Father, to not have received worse.
One more bit of news....Baby #3 is on his/her way!!! We are due June 10th. Z & A talk about the baby in Mommy's belly all the time, yet I don't think they quite grasp the whole thing, not yet any way, maybe as my belly grows bigger!