We decided to go to UT to celebrate her turning one with my family. On our way we stopped in CO and spent time with Mike's brother and family, went to the Zoo and hung out. While in UT the kids could not get enough of their cousins. We had so much planned to do together it is amazing they didn't get sick of each other. We played a ton in Papa & Mamo's backyard (the weather was Fantastic), swam in the hot tub, even set up a lemonade stand and did fun crafts & projects!!
On S's b-day we were able to see Mama Mae and spend time with her and other family and then we had a party to celebrate the big 1. Lots of presents, a pinata and her very own Elmo cake. She loved it and of course got good and messy (that's my girl!). When we sang to her she even blushed and shied away a little bit when opening her gifts. She is definitely my daughter....does not like to be the center of attention!
~Happy Birthday sweet Baby Girl - We Love You!~

Thanks for a fun visit everyone....XOXO
Thanks for a fun visit everyone....XOXO