Friday, December 14, 2007

Trip to Utah

We just returned from our Thanksgiving trip to Utah. We had a lot of fun and were able to see a snowstorm while there. Z absolutey loved playing and stomping around in it but couldn't quite figure out why it was so cold. I definitely miss that. We had a light "frost" last year but nothing so far this year. All you in the Midwest and Northeast can share a little!!
For the first time in 3 years, I was able to celebrate my birthday with Tami!! Unfortunately the flu had been going around and wouldn't you know of all days to get it. Oh well it was still great:)
We are almost ready for Christmas just a few last minute things to purchase. Z loves talking about "Ho, Ho" (Santa) but the two times we went to see him while in UT, all he did was scream, Go figure. A was okay with him until she looked @ Z, it was over from there.
It is so much fun to watch the two of them together. A desperately tries to do the things Z does and wants so much to be up running with him and what is funny...Z has reverted back to things A does!! They absolutely adore each other and no one can make A laugh like Z can.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Sounds like Utah was awesome. I bet John and Laura LOVED seeing the grandkids! Miss ya.
