What a busy but FuN weekend. Talk about suGar overload!! We had 3 different Easter egg hunts for the kids. When all was said and done we had as much candy as you get during Halloween, well aLmOsT! Friday night we went to a "HuNt-by- FlaShLIgHt." What a novel idea and the kids LoVeD it. EgGs were hidden all over the yard, from the grass to the trees and the only way to spot them was by using the flashlight.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I am so grateful for the reason of Easter. What depth of gratitude I have for my Savior, Jesus Christ and his atonement and resurrection. Sometimes I find myself getting caught up in the "commercial" side of Easter and then am reminded of the true meaning and why we celebrate. What a blessing!

What a busy but FuN weekend. Talk about suGar overload!! We had 3 different Easter egg hunts for the kids. When all was said and done we had as much candy as you get during Halloween, well aLmOsT! Friday night we went to a "HuNt-by- FlaShLIgHt." What a novel idea and the kids LoVeD it. EgGs were hidden all over the yard, from the grass to the trees and the only way to spot them was by using the flashlight.
Saturday Z and A colored eggs with NaNa and PaPa!
Later that afternoon we went to a friend's house for the "traditional" Easter diNnEr and another egg hunt for the kids. The actual day of easter was spent with fAmiLY. We went to church and then stayed the day with Nana, Papa, Uncle "D" and Sissy.
This egg hunt was a little different; Z helped hide the eggs but by his ExcIteMenT while finding them, you would have never guessed he helped!! At first A picked up one egg and then just wanted to sit and pLaY with it. Then she started taking them out of the bAsKet as they were put in.
Finally she got the hang of it and would spot them across the yard and get eXcItEd to put them in her basket. Of course finding the "GoOdIeS" inside was the favorite part of it all but the bubbles were loved just as much and came in a close sEcoNd. (Easter Bunny gave them each a bottle in their baskets).
What a busy but FuN weekend. Talk about suGar overload!! We had 3 different Easter egg hunts for the kids. When all was said and done we had as much candy as you get during Halloween, well aLmOsT! Friday night we went to a "HuNt-by- FlaShLIgHt." What a novel idea and the kids LoVeD it. EgGs were hidden all over the yard, from the grass to the trees and the only way to spot them was by using the flashlight.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Tag I'm It
5 Favorite Things
1. Being a Mom
I love the time I am able to spend with Z and A. They are the joy of my life. They teach me so much about patience, forgiveness and unconditional love. (Just to name a few).

2. Photography
My new found "hobby." I love taking pictures!

3. Music & Singing
Although I am not able to stay as involved as I use to, I do get my fair share. One of the funnest things to do; turn the music up loud and be goofy while singing and dancing with the kids.
4. Quilting
I am still quite the Novice but I enjoy it.
5. Fruit Smoothies...need I say more?
Tami, Tamara & Amy...Now, "Tag" you're it!!
1. Being a Mom
I love the time I am able to spend with Z and A. They are the joy of my life. They teach me so much about patience, forgiveness and unconditional love. (Just to name a few).
2. Photography
My new found "hobby." I love taking pictures!
3. Music & Singing
Although I am not able to stay as involved as I use to, I do get my fair share. One of the funnest things to do; turn the music up loud and be goofy while singing and dancing with the kids.
4. Quilting
I am still quite the Novice but I enjoy it.
5. Fruit Smoothies...need I say more?
Tami, Tamara & Amy...Now, "Tag" you're it!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday "Honey Bunny"
Wow! a year has passed so quickly. We celebrated A's 1st birthday on Saturday the 8th. The day started out great until we went to get pictures taken. The very first shot they took had both kids smiling and no problems. However; the next ones were quite a chore. Instead of just taking random shots of the kids the photographer waited to get the "perfect" pose, face, angle, etc. YEAH RIGHT! We are talking about taking pictures of a 2 1/2 year old and a 1 year old. Ha:) Maybe in a year or two. Once the pictures were taken we ended up waiting for another 1-1 1/2 to choose the poses since their computer "ate" the pictures and they had to figure out how to retrieve them manually. Talk about a headache but we picked the ones we wanted and headed home for the party.
We had Mike's family, and some friends of ours (Robinson, Bailey & Lozada-Rodriguez families) for the festivities. I think the other kids had more fun unwrapping the gifts than A did but once her "Bounce and Spin" zebra was put together we couldn't get her off of it (nor any of the other little ones!!).
When we put the cake in front of her she looked at it like "what do you want me to do with it?" She put her hands in but wasn't quite sure about it until she tasted it on a spoon that Mommy had given her.
Before too long she ditched the spoon and was all about the hands and feet! It was a busy day and we were all exhausted by that night! What a special day.
We missed having all of the family here with us but we hope you enjoy the pictures!!
Happy Birthday Addi-Baby!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Is There an Echo?
So, I really have to be careful what I say and do. Unfortunately I found out the hard way...Z hears and watches everything that is said and done. Oh boy! When I tell him No I use my finger and wiggle it back and forth while saying "no, no." I never realized I did that until I saw him do it to me when I was doing something I was not suppose to (I threw a piece of bread at Mike cause he was teasing me!!) Oops!
He copies what I do too. I was going around the house crazy this morning trying to find my debit card. I ran upstairs and was mumbling to myself (while retracing steps) and he was hot on my tail mumbling all the way and mimicking my every action.
Another time, I found him in my nylons. Obviously he realizes "Mommy uses these." I am not sure if he couldn't quite figure out how to get them on so he chose another option. The pictures are what I saw when coming into his bedroom. He had done it all by himself. Where does he come up with these things?! Definitely using his imagination.
It really is quite entertaining to watch some of the things he does and says. Gotta love 2 1/2 year olds.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Blue -or- Brown Dominance?!
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