What a busy but FuN weekend. Talk about suGar overload!! We had 3 different Easter egg hunts for the kids. When all was said and done we had as much candy as you get during Halloween, well aLmOsT! Friday night we went to a "HuNt-by- FlaShLIgHt." What a novel idea and the kids LoVeD it. EgGs were hidden all over the yard, from the grass to the trees and the only way to spot them was by using the flashlight.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I am so grateful for the reason of Easter. What depth of gratitude I have for my Savior, Jesus Christ and his atonement and resurrection. Sometimes I find myself getting caught up in the "commercial" side of Easter and then am reminded of the true meaning and why we celebrate. What a blessing!

What a busy but FuN weekend. Talk about suGar overload!! We had 3 different Easter egg hunts for the kids. When all was said and done we had as much candy as you get during Halloween, well aLmOsT! Friday night we went to a "HuNt-by- FlaShLIgHt." What a novel idea and the kids LoVeD it. EgGs were hidden all over the yard, from the grass to the trees and the only way to spot them was by using the flashlight.
Saturday Z and A colored eggs with NaNa and PaPa!
Later that afternoon we went to a friend's house for the "traditional" Easter diNnEr and another egg hunt for the kids. The actual day of easter was spent with fAmiLY. We went to church and then stayed the day with Nana, Papa, Uncle "D" and Sissy.
This egg hunt was a little different; Z helped hide the eggs but by his ExcIteMenT while finding them, you would have never guessed he helped!! At first A picked up one egg and then just wanted to sit and pLaY with it. Then she started taking them out of the bAsKet as they were put in.
Finally she got the hang of it and would spot them across the yard and get eXcItEd to put them in her basket. Of course finding the "GoOdIeS" inside was the favorite part of it all but the bubbles were loved just as much and came in a close sEcoNd. (Easter Bunny gave them each a bottle in their baskets).
What a busy but FuN weekend. Talk about suGar overload!! We had 3 different Easter egg hunts for the kids. When all was said and done we had as much candy as you get during Halloween, well aLmOsT! Friday night we went to a "HuNt-by- FlaShLIgHt." What a novel idea and the kids LoVeD it. EgGs were hidden all over the yard, from the grass to the trees and the only way to spot them was by using the flashlight.
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1 comment:
It looks like Easter was a hit at your house. We missed you. Hopefully soon we will be together. We love you
Tami and the kid-e-o's
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