Friday, May 23, 2008

Quirky Quirks...Tag

Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.

People that are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules.

At the end of your post tag 8 people and include their names.Don't forget to leave them a comment on their blog to tell them they've been tagged, and to comment back and read your blog for the whole story.

8 things you may not know about me...

1) I enjoy vacuuming. I guess that is a good thing since I have to do it at least once a day and sometimes even twice a day!

2) When eating a meal the food can not touch; mashed potatoes have their place, corn theirs, etc. And the worst is with hot and cold foods...that's a big No-NO.

3) When I sleep I always have to be covered. Even if it is hot I still need at least a sheet or light blanket.

4)When going over railroad tracks I still lift my feet...yes, to this day and even while I am driving!!

5)I have always wanted to run a marathon/race/5k but never have taken the opportunity to do so, maybe because it will show me how out of shape I really am.

6) At night when I sleep I have to face outward (I am on the left side of the bed), except when M is out of town, then I have to sleep in the middle of the bed facing the door (which is on the right side).

7) I don't like raisins & jell-o not because of flavor but because of texture.

8) I have an obsession with toes, not so much that I like them but because mine are crooked (I use to curl them all of the time) and so I notice others to see if theirs are straight or crooked.

okey-dokey...Juli, Tamara, Angie & Andrea...what are your Quirks?


Hansen6 said...

You make me laugh. I always think of you when my food touches. Needless to say I do not have a problem with that
Love ya

Anonymous said...

i still lift my feet too. i even tell my kids to lift thier feel when going over the tracks.

I've also wanted to run some kind of race. It would be my "rocky" moment to finish one!