Between the weather and then a rotation of the flu we have been stuck in doors...but this past weekend we were able to go out for the first time since moving!!! We wanted to take the trolley around the city and into downtown but after a 1/2 hour wait and still NO trolley we decided to go back and get the car. Z kept asking where the bus was and was not happy about having to ride in the car so we will have to take another opportunity to ride! We went to a ceramic studio where the kids were able to choose something to paint and walked around the different boutiques located there. After we stopped for lunch at a YUMMY burger joint! It is always enjoyable to spend time as a family.
Z chose a train (surprise, surprise)

cute pictures! hope you guys are having fun on this new adventure. hope to see you soon.
That's the coolest chair ever! It's so good to see you, even if it's just through blog-land. I'm glad you guys are feeling better and adjusting to your new area.
I've got a little project for you. A life-long friend of mine blog-tagged me, so now I'm passing it on to a few of the friends I'd like to learn more about. I have to admit that it took me about a month to sit down and actually do mine, but I really enjoyed it once I got going. I think I ended up giving too much detail, maybe.
Here are the rules:
(1) Share 6 non- (though not necessarily un-) important things about yourself on your blog.
(2) Tag 6 blogging friends to then do the same.
(3) Let each person know s/he’s been tagged by leaving a comment on his or her blog.
(4) Let your tagger know when your entry is up.
Give it a try!
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