Z started Kindergarten this year. I have mixed emotions about that. I am excited but today was hard to drop him off. He will be going from 8:30-3:20, yep no 1/2 day schedules here! Even though we will miss him during the day it will be good for him to be involved with other kids on a regular basis and not to mention all the learning he will be doing and fun he will be having. He has a great teacher, Ms. Smithson. She has been teaching Kindergarten for 32 years, she is wonderful and I know Z will grow to love her so much. He told me "Mom, I don't want you to take me, I want to ride the bus." So, this week I drove him but starting Monday he will get to ride the bus :o)

S is all over the place and tries to get where she is going quicker by running. She is also trying to use a spoon at the table but at times still decides her fingers work better :o)

So what to do with this extra time?...Well I will finally be able to put my jogging stroller to use!! Running at the park and of course since we're already there....play a little too!