We decided to go to NC to visit the fam....and of course when we go we like to make a trip to the beach! Talk about complete change (reaction wise) with the kids. They "loooved" the wind, waves and not to mention the sand. It definitely shows that my "babies" aren't so little anymore....they are growing up too fast!

Swim lessons apparantely paid off!

Ready, set...hike!

Not quite sure if she is liking the sand all over her!

Our little beach babe!

Last year
S was only a couple of months old and couldn't do much but this year she didn't hesitate one bit...in the sand or H2O

She slid straight through and got her "booty" stuck :o)

Trying to figure this stuff out!
Like Father, like Son....all work and no play! ;o)
A whole head shorter.....just for a moment!

Aunt Sis burying them in the sand
Jumpin' the waves
I can't believe how big your kids are getting. Time sure does fly. Looks like you had a lot of fun.
Aimee! so glad we have found each other on the blogging world! I love love looking at the pics of you beautiful family! I seriously can't believe you have 3 kids. You and your family are so adorable!
Looks like a blast! What a fun trip!
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