Friday, December 9, 2011

Our One & Only....Birthday Boy!

Z celebrated his birthday....almost 3 months I am really behind in all this!! Well at least I have pictures to help me remember details :o)

He wanted a "Sports" party...yes he is ALL boy. Since his birthday fell on a Sunday this year he had his party on Saturday, which began with a soccer game and then a few hours of nothing but play! That many boys together, well let's just say I was glad the weather had cooperated and it was a Bee-U-tiful day so what do you do with a lot of boys between the ages of 4-7?!?! Oh yeah....a bounce house :o)
I think they all had a lot of fun going crazy in that and making their own jerseys, and of course who can forget all the goodies, that's right...fill 'em full of sugar then send them home!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dancing Queen

A started Ballet...FiNaLLy...back in January!! She absolutely loves to dance, in fact anything that involves music she loves. She performed in her first dance recital and was a NaTuRaL up there on stage :o)

She also had her Spring program in Preschool the same month...and yep loved the Singing!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Z played T-ball this was fun to watch how much he progressed from his first time playing (which was 2 years ago)! He is a NaTuRaL athlete! He was excited to have some of his cousins there to watch and cheer for him....atleast for a few games :o)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Turning 2

S celebrated her 2nd birthday...we hade lots of family in town so it was definitely a PaRtY!! This was the first time I bought the cake instead of making it...but she loved it anyway...mainly because Dora was on it....if you notice in 2 of the pictures...she almost couldn't wait to eat it :o)

"Happy Birthday Little One...Je t'aime!"

Autumn Leaves....

Whoa...wait a second...wasn't it just July...where did SuMmEr go? Since it has been sooo long since our last update the next...few...will be glimpses of our CrAzY, BuSy summer!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Soccer Star

Z recently finished his first season of soccer! His team was "Orange Crush." He had so much fun and the boys on his team played great together....on and off the field :o) He is definitely a natural Athlete! Now onto T-ball for the summer!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pretty as a Princess

A turned 4 in March...and wanted to have a Princess party (I know...surprise, surprise)!! She and 5 of her friends from church, school and ballet - played "Kiss the Frog Prince", danced to "Swan Lake", ate delicate finger foods, decorated their own Tiara and partied like true PrInCeSsEs. :o)
Thanks for all the help....especially Nana w/the cake!!

Happy, Happy Birthday!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


December is a busy month not just because of Christmas....Here are a few things that occupied our time!

**During Christmas Z's class has a special toy unit and the kids make stick horses. Well, it is a tradition for the Kindergarten classes to showcase what they made in a parade.**

A & her friend had so much fun being at the "big kids" school

S always loves going to the school

**Making sugar cookies is always a favorite @ our house....especially when the frosting is concerned!**

**Fun in the snow & Titans Football Game...need I say more?**

Just before leaving to go to the game

Belly Boarding

**Preschool Program**

A loves to perform...anytime, anywhere!

**Christmas Eve - Dr. Visit (at least they were in good spirits)**

**Christmas Eve PJ's**

**Christmas Day**

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Fun New Year!!
